The Alumni Ring is one of the longest-standing traditions at Duquesne and a symbol of your Duquesne experience.  

Herff Jones is the University's exclusive provider of class rings, regalia, and diploma frames to Duquesne students and alumni. For information or to order a ring, contact Vince Rodi, GE‘97 from Herff Jones at (412) 331-2562 or A portion of the purchase price for rings ordered through Herff Jones benefits programs offered by the Office of Alumni Engagement.

If your ring needs to be cleaned, re-sized, or serviced in some way, you can contact the company that made the ring. Look inside the band for markings that identify the manufacturer. Herff Jones is the current licensed manufacturer of Duquesne class rings. 

Herff Jones Repairs: Herff Jones, Dieges and Clust (800) 837-4235

Contact information for some of the authorized companies from years past are as follows:

Balfour Repairs
(877) 225-3687


Jostens Repairs
(800) 854-7464
