Looking for a former classmate? Duquesne alumni have password protected access to our full online directory and can contact fellow alumni if an available address is on file.
We want to keep in touch with you! Please log in and make sure your record is up-to-date. If you don't have a username and password, please select "First Time Login" to create an account.
The University produces two electronic newsletters a month, the Bulletin from the Bluff and the Bluff in the Burgh. Missed an issue? Check out previous issues in DukesConnect.
Do you have news to share with us? Have you recently gotten married? Received an award or promotion? Have you had a baby? Complete a class note online or send your update to alumnionline@duq.edu.
Join us on your favorite social network to connect with alumni, view photos of campus, and see the latest campus happenings and alumni events. Share your memories using #DuqAlumni!
Are you a graduate and planning a visit back to campus? Would you like a tour for you or a group of alumni or family members? Let us know by filling out this quick form and we will be glad to arrange for a campus tour and even a little gift for coming back!
There are many ways in which you can share your time and talent with Duquesne. We welcome alumni to learn more about how to get involved.